基于XML名字空间样式的模板标签,会让仅懂得基本html语法的站长迅速掌握标签的使用方法;灵活的调用方法使得站长输出任意自己想要的样式,并且不需要懂得一行Vbscr ipt语言;新版中加入的二层循环标签的支持使得模板制作工作更加轻松,减少很多重复劳动;可定义的输出类型,可以把输出代码写入到Javascr ipt语句中或xml文档中,都不会出现错误;模块可按需组合,仅仅安装站长或客户需要的模块,以去掉无用的模块,且不需动源代码。
§ 无限的扩展能力:
§ SEO优化:-Based on the XML namespace style template tags, let alone understand basic HTML syntax webmaster quickly master the use of tags flexible method calls the webmaster any output you want style, and do not need to know how a VBscr ipt language, added to the new version of the second layer circulation label support the templates are made to work more easily and reduce a lot of repeated work define the type of output, the output code is written to Javascr ipt statements or XML documents in, errors will not occur module composition according to necessary just to install module owners or customers needs and to get rid of useless module, and does not need to source code.
The unlimited expansion capability:
Completely modular design, making your own modules written completely fused to cmseasy fr a mework and includes a module to the future development, when more and more people in the development, exchange is flying a module prospects.
The optimization of SEO:
§ 无限的扩展能力:
§ SEO优化:-Based on the XML namespace style template tags, let alone understand basic HTML syntax webmaster quickly master the use of tags flexible method calls the webmaster any output you want style, and do not need to know how a VBscr ipt language, added to the new version of the second layer circulation label support the templates are made to work more easily and reduce a lot of repeated work define the type of output, the output code is written to Javascr ipt statements or XML documents in, errors will not occur module composition according to necessary just to install module owners or customers needs and to get rid of useless module, and does not need to source code.
The unlimited expansion capability:
Completely modular design, making your own modules written completely fused to cmseasy fr a mework and includes a module to the future development, when more and more people in the development, exchange is flying a module prospects.
The optimization of SEO: