1. 教员注册 完善自身详细信息。
2. 学员注册 完善自身详细信息。
3. 学员在线预约教员 并留言 后台可实现 是否显示教师联系方式 或者由网站负责联系教员。
4. 教员在线预约学员 并留言 可后台实现是否显示学员联系方式 或者由网站联系学员。
5. 教员学员在线充值 目前实现 支付宝 财付通 5大银行的接口-1 teachers to register and improve their own detailed information.
2 students to register and improve their own detailed information.
3 students online booking teacher and leave a message backstage can show whether the teacher contact or the website is responsible for contacting the teacher.
4 Teacher online booking trainees and leave a message to show whether the students contact or contact the students by the web site.
5 faculty participants online recharge current Alipay caifutong 5 bank interface
2. 学员注册 完善自身详细信息。
3. 学员在线预约教员 并留言 后台可实现 是否显示教师联系方式 或者由网站负责联系教员。
4. 教员在线预约学员 并留言 可后台实现是否显示学员联系方式 或者由网站联系学员。
5. 教员学员在线充值 目前实现 支付宝 财付通 5大银行的接口-1 teachers to register and improve their own detailed information.
2 students to register and improve their own detailed information.
3 students online booking teacher and leave a message backstage can show whether the teacher contact or the website is responsible for contacting the teacher.
4 Teacher online booking trainees and leave a message to show whether the students contact or contact the students by the web site.
5 faculty participants online recharge current Alipay caifutong 5 bank interface