有一推销员,欲到n(n<=10)个城市推销产品。为了节省旅行费用,在出发前他查清了任意两个城市间的旅行费用,想找到一条旅行路线,仅经过每个城市一次,且使旅行费用最少。本问题已知城市n,和n*n的表达任意两个城市间费用的矩阵。试求最短路径及其费用;-There is a salesman, want to n (n<=10) a city to sell products. In order to save travel costs, before departure, he found out the cost of travel between any two cities, would like to find a travel route, only through each city once, and to minimize the cost of travel. This problem is known to the city of N, and n*n is the expression of the matrix between any two cities. Try to find the shortest path and cost
the travel.cpp