核心 destoon 基于PHP+MySQL,采用标准化开发,易用性、扩展性、标准性强
会员 member 会员注册、登录,在线销售,企业推广,结交商友,获取商机
公司 company VIP等级体系、实名认证体系、自动二级、顶级域名精美商铺
商城 mall 支持购物车、在线购买,卖家评论打分、交易记录,支持支付宝担保交易
供应 sell 产品供应、展示,在线询价、对比
求购 buy 求购信息发布,在线报价,权限灵活控制-Core destoon based on PHP+MySQL, the use of standardized development, ease of use, scalability, strong standard
A member of the member member registration, login, online sales, business promotion, to make friends, access to business opportunities
Company VIP company rating system, the real name authentication system, automatic two, top-level domain name shops
Mall mall shopping cart, online purchase, the seller comments, scoring records, support Alipay secured transactions
Supply sell product supply, display, online inquiry, comparison
Purchase buy information, online quote, flexible control
会员 member 会员注册、登录,在线销售,企业推广,结交商友,获取商机
公司 company VIP等级体系、实名认证体系、自动二级、顶级域名精美商铺
商城 mall 支持购物车、在线购买,卖家评论打分、交易记录,支持支付宝担保交易
供应 sell 产品供应、展示,在线询价、对比
求购 buy 求购信息发布,在线报价,权限灵活控制-Core destoon based on PHP+MySQL, the use of standardized development, ease of use, scalability, strong standard
A member of the member member registration, login, online sales, business promotion, to make friends, access to business opportunities
Company VIP company rating system, the real name authentication system, automatic two, top-level domain name shops
Mall mall shopping cart, online purchase, the seller comments, scoring records, support Alipay secured transactions
Supply sell product supply, display, online inquiry, comparison
Purchase buy information, online quote, flexible control