1、可以开多版,各版可以有独立的版主和不同的论坛设置。 2、可以上传文件,也可以给出连接文件;对于图片等多媒体文件可以预览。有贴图功能。 用不同的图表表示文件类型。 3、可以在帖子中插入HTML代码,可以自动将帖子中的http://和mailto:转化为连接。 4、发言者可以编辑或修改自己的文章。 5、可以统计帖子点击次数、文件下载次数、论坛代有搜索器。 6、访问者可以给帖子打分,-1, can open multiple version, each version has its own different moderator and forum settings. 2, you can upload files, you can also give the connection file for the image and other multimedia files can be preview. Texture function. Represent a file type with a different diagram. 3, can be inserted in the HTML code, you can automatically post in the mailto: and http:// into the connection. 4, the speaker can edit or modify their own articles. 5, you can click on the number of posts, the number of documents to download, the Forum on behalf of the search. 6, visitors can give the post scoring,