The MIO sensor emitted the OHR signal at 1 Hz. The method for
derivation of this OHR the raw PPG signal was not made public
by the manufacturers. Heart rate was extracted offline the ECG
data using a MATLAB implementation of Afonso et al. [5]. Outliers
(heart rate N±30 of previous heart rate)were replaced by the average
of the previous two heartbeats. Heart rate from-The MIO sensor emitted the OHR signal at 1 Hz. The method for
derivation of this OHR the raw PPG signal was not made public
by the manufacturers. Heart rate was extracted offline the ECG
data using a MATLAB implementation of Afonso et al. [5]. Outliers
(heart rate N±30 of previous heart rate)were replaced by the average
of the previous two heartbeats. Heart rate from
derivation of this OHR the raw PPG signal was not made public
by the manufacturers. Heart rate was extracted offline the ECG
data using a MATLAB implementation of Afonso et al. [5]. Outliers
(heart rate N±30 of previous heart rate)were replaced by the average
of the previous two heartbeats. Heart rate from-The MIO sensor emitted the OHR signal at 1 Hz. The method for
derivation of this OHR the raw PPG signal was not made public
by the manufacturers. Heart rate was extracted offline the ECG
data using a MATLAB implementation of Afonso et al. [5]. Outliers
(heart rate N±30 of previous heart rate)were replaced by the average
of the previous two heartbeats. Heart rate from