“祝您生日快乐”电子蜡烛正是为此而设计的。当大家坐在生日蛋糕前点亮蜡烛时,它就会连续讲出两句英语“Happy birth day to you”(祝您生日快乐),随后便响起一首“祝您生日快乐”的乐曲。祝贺词与庆贺曲将反复地进行,直至吹灭蜡烛才停止。- I wish you a happy birthday the function of the electronic candle is when we sit in front of the birthday cake candles lit, it will be continuous speak two English words Happy birth day to you , and then they sounded a song I wish you a happy birthday music. Congratulations and celebrate the song will be carried out repeatedly, until stopped blowing out the candles
zhunishengrikuaile dianzilazhu
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