博客,又译为网络日志、部落格或部落阁等,是一种通常由个人管理、不定期张贴新的文章的网站。博客上的文章通常根据张贴时间,以倒序方式由新到旧排列。许多博客专注在特定的课题上提供评论或新闻,其他则被作为比较个人的日记。一个典型的博客结合了文字、图像、其他博客或网站的链接、及其它与主题相关的媒体。能够让读者以互动的方式留下意见,是许多博客的重要要素。博客是社会媒体网络的一部分。 博客系统,是指使用计算机语言编写,并便于用户安装和使用,在互联网上建立个人博客的一整套系统。-Blog, as web logs, blog or tribal cabinet etc., is a kind of usually by individual management, not regular new articles posted. Blog articles according to post time, usually new to old arrangement in reverse order way. Many blogs focus on a particular subject to provide comments or news, the others being more personal diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and other blog or website links, and other related to the theme of the media. Can make interactive readers to leave comments, is one of the important elements of many blogs. A blog is a part of social media networks. Blog system, it is to point to use the computer language, and is convenient for users to install and use, a complete set of system to establish a personal blog on the Internet