针对多电机同步控制中传统环形耦合 PID 控制存在抗扰动性不强 扰动下同步误差较大等问题,
提出了一种带前馈控制的滑模变结构多电机相邻耦合控制策略, 建立了3 台永磁同步电动机同步控制仿真模
型, 通过 Lyapunov 稳定性理论证明了滑模控制算法的稳定性, 并进行了交变负载 突变负载实验 仿真分析和
实验结果表明, 该控制策略相比传统环形耦合 PID 控制 相邻耦合 PID 控制具有更高的同步精度和更好的抗扰
动性能-Abstract: Aiming at the problem of poor anti-disturbance capability and big synchronization error under
disturbance of traditional ring-couple PID control method in multi-axis synchronization control,a sliding mode variable
structure with feed-forward control for relative coupling control strategy is proposed. Three Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor ( PMSM) for synchronized control simulation modl is set up. The stability of the proposed control
algorithm is proved according to Lyapunov stability theory. The control strategy is tested by alternating load,and mutant
load experiment. Simulation analysis and experimental results show that the presented control strategy has higher
synchronization accuracy and better anti-disturbance capability in camparison with the traditional ring-couple PID
control and relative-couple PID control.
提出了一种带前馈控制的滑模变结构多电机相邻耦合控制策略, 建立了3 台永磁同步电动机同步控制仿真模
型, 通过 Lyapunov 稳定性理论证明了滑模控制算法的稳定性, 并进行了交变负载 突变负载实验 仿真分析和
实验结果表明, 该控制策略相比传统环形耦合 PID 控制 相邻耦合 PID 控制具有更高的同步精度和更好的抗扰
动性能-Abstract: Aiming at the problem of poor anti-disturbance capability and big synchronization error under
disturbance of traditional ring-couple PID control method in multi-axis synchronization control,a sliding mode variable
structure with feed-forward control for relative coupling control strategy is proposed. Three Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor ( PMSM) for synchronized control simulation modl is set up. The stability of the proposed control
algorithm is proved according to Lyapunov stability theory. The control strategy is tested by alternating load,and mutant
load experiment. Simulation analysis and experimental results show that the presented control strategy has higher
synchronization accuracy and better anti-disturbance capability in camparison with the traditional ring-couple PID
control and relative-couple PID control.