假定文本文件c1.txt是火烧连营中的军营分布图,每个字符A代表一个营帐,营帐是可燃物,其他字符代表不可燃的空白地段,文件共有40行70列。输入任意点的x和y值(x<70,y<40)作为着火点,“火烧连营”后,被燃烧的营帐标上字符’X’,并把整个结果输出到文件中。--The assumed text file c1.txt, is Burning the Camps in the barracks maps, each character A represents a tent, the tent is flammable, and other characters on behalf of non-combustible empty lots, file a total of 40 lines and 70. The x and y values of the input at any point (x < 70 y < 40) as the ignition point, Burning the Camps characters in the burning tent marked with an X , and the resulting output to a file.