Write an assembly program that receives a character typed in the keypad and
prints it on the LCD. When the first line is full, the display goes to the next line. When the
two lines are all full, the display is cleared and ready to display a new set of characters.
Assemble your program using AVR Studio, and run it on the AVR Microcontroller Board.
Demonstrate your working program to the laboratory tutor-Write an assembly program that receives a character typed in the keypad and
prints it on the LCD. When the first line is full, the display goes to the next line. When the
two lines are all full, the display is cleared and ready to display a new set of characters.
Assemble your program using AVR Studio, and run it on the AVR Microcontroller Board.
Demonstrate your working program to the laboratory tutor
prints it on the LCD. When the first line is full, the display goes to the next line. When the
two lines are all full, the display is cleared and ready to display a new set of characters.
Assemble your program using AVR Studio, and run it on the AVR Microcontroller Board.
Demonstrate your working program to the laboratory tutor-Write an assembly program that receives a character typed in the keypad and
prints it on the LCD. When the first line is full, the display goes to the next line. When the
two lines are all full, the display is cleared and ready to display a new set of characters.
Assemble your program using AVR Studio, and run it on the AVR Microcontroller Board.
Demonstrate your working program to the laboratory tutor