


为了能有效解决H ough 变换的计算量大的问题,文中提出了一种基于直线局部结构特征的H ough 变换改进的直

线检测算法。该算法根据F reem an 准则分析了直线上基元的特征信息,通过图像上邻近的同类基元的倾斜角约束基元上


准H ough 变换算法可以提高到6 到7 倍。

-In o rder to effectively solve the pro blem of decreasing com putation in the process of using H ough T ransform (w r ) to extract

str aigh t line .an im p ro v ed H T algo ri th m m etho d is p res en ted b ased O n-th e loc al ch aracteri stics o f the straig h t lin e .A cc ord ing to F ree m a n

C ri te ria ,th e im p rov ed m eth o d an a lyzes e lem en tary line seg m e n ts s tru ctu re o f th e stra ig h t lin e ,an d d efine s th e sco p e of t3o lar an g le o f th e

points on elem entary line segm ents by com putin g the tilt ang le of the straight line d eterm ined by the tw o adjacent an d cong eneri c elem en —

tary sin e seg m en ts ,an d th en d ec rea se s th e c om p uting tim es o f ev ery po in t .P o in ting to th e im a g e co n tain ing n o ise ,th e tes ting da ta sh o w s

th a t v elo c ity o f th e im p ro v ed a lg o rithm is 6- 7 tim es as fas t aS th e stan d ~ d o n e ,w h ile th e prec ision is k e p t.





























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