* 自定义两个exception exception类
*当字符串为空时抛出一 个exception,
*当字符串包含阿拉伯数字 时抛出另一个exception;捕获exception
-* Custom two exception exception class* write a program to use these two categories: the string read the standard input,* thrown when the string is empty, an exception,* throws another when the string contains digits exception capture exception* /
*当字符串为空时抛出一 个exception,
*当字符串包含阿拉伯数字 时抛出另一个exception;捕获exception
-* Custom two exception exception class* write a program to use these two categories: the string read the standard input,* thrown when the string is empty, an exception,* throws another when the string contains digits exception capture exception* /