Default scr ipting language
The scr ipting language of a JSP page defaults to Java.
Insert the following line in a JSP page to configure the
page to use Javascr ipt:
< @ page language = javascr ipt >
Using white space
White space contained within the template code is
returned to the client as it was entered in the JSP.
Quoting attribute values
Quote attribute values, using either single or double
quotes, to all JSP elements. For example:
< @ page contentType = text/plain >
Writing comments for the JSP
A JSP comment is not output to the client as part of the
JSP page’s output.
< Comment string... >
Outputting comments to the client
HTML comments are output to the client.-Default scr ipting language
The scr ipting language of a JSP page defaults to Java.
Insert the following line in a JSP page to configure the
page to use Javascr ipt:
< @ page language = javascr ipt >
Using white space
White space contained within the template code is
returned to the client as it was entered in the JSP.
Quoting attribute values
Quote attribute values, using either single or double
quotes, to all JSP elements. For example:
< @ page contentType = text/plain >
Writing comments for the JSP
A JSP comment is not output to the client as part of the
JSP page’s output.
< Comment string... >
Outputting comments to the client
HTML comments are output to the client.
The scr ipting language of a JSP page defaults to Java.
Insert the following line in a JSP page to configure the
page to use Javascr ipt:
< @ page language = javascr ipt >
Using white space
White space contained within the template code is
returned to the client as it was entered in the JSP.
Quoting attribute values
Quote attribute values, using either single or double
quotes, to all JSP elements. For example:
< @ page contentType = text/plain >
Writing comments for the JSP
A JSP comment is not output to the client as part of the
JSP page’s output.
< Comment string... >
Outputting comments to the client
HTML comments are output to the client.-Default scr ipting language
The scr ipting language of a JSP page defaults to Java.
Insert the following line in a JSP page to configure the
page to use Javascr ipt:
< @ page language = javascr ipt >
Using white space
White space contained within the template code is
returned to the client as it was entered in the JSP.
Quoting attribute values
Quote attribute values, using either single or double
quotes, to all JSP elements. For example:
< @ page contentType = text/plain >
Writing comments for the JSP
A JSP comment is not output to the client as part of the
JSP page’s output.
< Comment string... >
Outputting comments to the client
HTML comments are output to the client.