鉴于分布式光伏发电井网系统的电压稳定性对现实生话有重要意义.从下程角度给出380/220 V低压
配电网电压失稳的实用判抓.运用I SC 八I>软件构建了一个分布式光伏电源接入0. } kV配电网的3竹点系
不会导致电压失稳。-The voltage stability of distributed photovoltaic generation system has a significant role in actual life. }hhc
practical criterion of voltage instability for the 38()一220 V low-voltage distribution network was discussed the vicw-
point of engineering. hhe PSC 八I} software was used to build a()} kV 3-bus distributed network simulation model contai-
ning a grickconnected distributed photovoltaic power. ()n that basis.the influences on the load voltage stability were ana-
ly}ed by considering various disturbances, such as the growth of load·sudden reduction of light intensity, rise in environ-
mental temperature and the short circuit fault of the load bus. Simulation results show that when the load voltage is ap-
proaching the limit of voltage stability, the sudden reduction of light intensity will make the load bus voltage lose stability
while the influence of temperature change is very tiny the load bus voltage will recover the original value quickly after the
short circ
配电网电压失稳的实用判抓.运用I SC 八I>软件构建了一个分布式光伏电源接入0. } kV配电网的3竹点系
不会导致电压失稳。-The voltage stability of distributed photovoltaic generation system has a significant role in actual life. }hhc
practical criterion of voltage instability for the 38()一220 V low-voltage distribution network was discussed the vicw-
point of engineering. hhe PSC 八I} software was used to build a()} kV 3-bus distributed network simulation model contai-
ning a grickconnected distributed photovoltaic power. ()n that basis.the influences on the load voltage stability were ana-
ly}ed by considering various disturbances, such as the growth of load·sudden reduction of light intensity, rise in environ-
mental temperature and the short circuit fault of the load bus. Simulation results show that when the load voltage is ap-
proaching the limit of voltage stability, the sudden reduction of light intensity will make the load bus voltage lose stability
while the influence of temperature change is very tiny the load bus voltage will recover the original value quickly after the
short circ