1、 (1)熟悉8086小模式下基本系统的电路结构:系统电路、总线形成、端口空间分配等;(2)学会8086的运行环境的配置:内存空间、代码空间、时钟频率等;(3) Proteus下仿真调试工具的使用方法;(5)Proteus提供的实验仪器和测试手段的使用方法。
2、 用通用接口芯片实现无条件I/O传送。用一片74LS245做输出端口控制8个LED灯。要求LED灯从上到下依次点亮一次,每个灯亮1s。画出电路图、按要求编写程序,在仿真环境下调试通过。
-1, (1) be familiar with the circuit configuration mode under 8086 small basic systems: System circuit, the bus is formed, port space allocation (2) Institute 8086 operating environment configurations: memory space, code space, the clock frequency (3 ) method using the following Proteus simulation debugging tools (5) test equipment and test instruments provided by the use of Proteus.
2, with a common interface chip unconditionally I/O transfers. 74LS245 do with a piece of output port control 8 LED lights. Requirements LED lights were lit again top to bottom, each light 1s. Draw the circuit, according to the requirements of programming, under simulation debugging environment.
2、 用通用接口芯片实现无条件I/O传送。用一片74LS245做输出端口控制8个LED灯。要求LED灯从上到下依次点亮一次,每个灯亮1s。画出电路图、按要求编写程序,在仿真环境下调试通过。
-1, (1) be familiar with the circuit configuration mode under 8086 small basic systems: System circuit, the bus is formed, port space allocation (2) Institute 8086 operating environment configurations: memory space, code space, the clock frequency (3 ) method using the following Proteus simulation debugging tools (5) test equipment and test instruments provided by the use of Proteus.
2, with a common interface chip unconditionally I/O transfers. 74LS245 do with a piece of output port control 8 LED lights. Requirements LED lights were lit again top to bottom, each light 1s. Draw the circuit, according to the requirements of programming, under simulation debugging environment.
Last Loaded 实验三 基本IO.DBK
实验三 Proteus仿真环境下的基本IO接口实验.asm
实验三 Proteus仿真环境下的基本IO接口实验.doc
实验三 Proteus仿真环境下的基本IO接口实验.exe
实验三 Proteus仿真环境下的基本IO接口实验.lst
实验三 Proteus仿真环境下的基本IO接口实验.obj
实验三 基本IO.DSN
实验三 基本IO.PWI