通过使用matlab自带的小波函数对语音信号进行处理,首先对载入的语音信号snow.wav添加高斯白噪声,然后对加噪的语音信号进行三层小波分解,最后分别采用强制性和默认阈值两种方法对信号进行消噪处理,强制性消噪方法直接将分解的高频系数全部变为0,默认阈值通过对分解的高频系数设定阈值来进行消噪-By using MATLAB built-in wavelet function of speech signal processing, first on the loading of the speech signal snow.wav added white Gaussian noise, and then to the speech signal with noise to three layer wavelet decomposition. At last, the mandatory and the default the signal denoising threshold methods are mandatory elimination noise method directly to the decomposition of the high frequency coefficients all goes to zero, the default threshold by the decomposition of the high frequency coefficients threshold to remove noise