《蓝牙4.0BLE开发完全手册:物联网开发技术实战》采用理论与实践相结合的思想,介绍了蓝牙4.0BLE技术的基础知识、开发环境以及硬件资源;通过相关的配套实验,结合丰富的示例工程,针对蓝牙4.0BLE技术开发过程中的重点、难点问题进行了详细的讲解,使读者能够逐步了解蓝牙4.0BLE无线网络的开发流程并快速全面地掌握开发过程中需要注意的问题,同时给出了部分开发经验和技巧供读者参考。- Bluetooth 4.0BLE development completely manual: Things combat development technology With the combination of theory and practice thinking, introduces the basics, development environment and hardware resources 4.0BLE Bluetooth technologies by supporting related experiments, combined with a wealth of examples of engineering for Bluetooth 4.0BLE technology development in the key and difficult issues in detail, so that readers can get to know a Bluetooth wireless network 4.0BLE development process and quickly fully grasp the process of developing problems that need attention, and gives the part of the development experience and skills for the reader.