正如你所知道的 s_sin 是一个贪玩的不得了的小 P 孩(如果你非常讨厌他可以直接跳到
sin_s 通过游戏学到一个数论知识:任何一个大于 1 的自然数,都可以唯一分解成有限
个质数的乘积 ,这里 都是质数,其诸指数 是正整
sin_s 现在想求出上述定理 P1,P2,...,Pn 和 a1,a2,...an,例如 1200 你需要求出 2^4*3*5^2。 ★数据输入
第 1 行是正整数 N(1< N < =2^31). ★数据输出
输出一行代表数 N 的质数唯一分解(质数按照升序的)。-The experimental task
As you know s_sin is a fun not the P small children (if you hate he can jump directly to the
Second), you know he is like a strategy game called a Solar Empire. I assure you that this is too recent
Yang Empire series eighth chapter.
Sin_s through the game to learn a number theory: any natural number more than 1, can be uniquely decomposed into a finite
The product of prime numbers, here are all prime numbers, the index is a positive integer
The number of. For example:
Sin_s now wants to obtain the theorem of P1, P2,..., Pn and A1, A2, an, such as 1200... You need to get 2^4*3*5^2.
Data input
The first line is a positive integer N (1< N =2^31).
Data output
The output line represents the number of N (the only prime decomposition in ascending order of prime numbers).
正如你所知道的 s_sin 是一个贪玩的不得了的小 P 孩(如果你非常讨厌他可以直接跳到
sin_s 通过游戏学到一个数论知识:任何一个大于 1 的自然数,都可以唯一分解成有限
个质数的乘积 ,这里 都是质数,其诸指数 是正整
sin_s 现在想求出上述定理 P1,P2,...,Pn 和 a1,a2,...an,例如 1200 你需要求出 2^4*3*5^2。 ★数据输入
第 1 行是正整数 N(1< N < =2^31). ★数据输出
输出一行代表数 N 的质数唯一分解(质数按照升序的)。-The experimental task
As you know s_sin is a fun not the P small children (if you hate he can jump directly to the
Second), you know he is like a strategy game called a Solar Empire. I assure you that this is too recent
Yang Empire series eighth chapter.
Sin_s through the game to learn a number theory: any natural number more than 1, can be uniquely decomposed into a finite
The product of prime numbers, here are all prime numbers, the index is a positive integer
The number of. For example:
Sin_s now wants to obtain the theorem of P1, P2,..., Pn and A1, A2, an, such as 1200... You need to get 2^4*3*5^2.
Data input
The first line is a positive integer N (1< N =2^31).
Data output
The output line represents the number of N (the only prime decomposition in ascending order of prime numbers).