将机炉协调控制系统被控对象的非线性数学模型直接用于姚孟发电厂2号机300MW 单元机组的分散协调控制系统(DCS)。通过在线调整模型参数和在相同时间段内对比不同工况下实际受控对象的工程值曲线与仿真模型的计算值,证明了此模型能很好地反映机炉协调被控对象的实际特性,同时也证明了该模型的正确性和准确性-The coordinated boiler-turbine control system nonlinear mathematical model of the controlled object directly for Yaomeng Power Plant Unit 2 300MW Unit of decentralized coordinated control system (DCS). By adjusting the model parameters and compare online project value calculation value curve simulation models actual controlled object under different conditions in the same period of time it proved that this model can well reflect the actual characteristics of the controlled object COORDINATED, It also shows that the correctness and accuracy of the model
姚孟电厂2号机300 MW单元机组机炉协调受控对象的数学模型.pdf