The main object of this program is that the students will able to learn how to create a cylinder and a parallelepiped using OpenGL functions.
You can Download the Computer graphics lab Programs for VTU 6th sem computer science Google drive link.
There all the program is listed along with the output. Just download and copy paste the project in your Visual Studio for Windows program or save them as separate c files in Linux ubuntu system.
-The main object of this program is that the students will able to learn how to create a cylinder and a parallelepiped using OpenGL functions.
You can Download the Computer graphics lab Programs for VTU 6th sem computer science Google drive link.
There all the program is listed along with the output. Just download and copy paste the project in your Visual Studio for Windows program or save them as separate c files in Linux ubuntu system.
You can Download the Computer graphics lab Programs for VTU 6th sem computer science Google drive link.
There all the program is listed along with the output. Just download and copy paste the project in your Visual Studio for Windows program or save them as separate c files in Linux ubuntu system.
-The main object of this program is that the students will able to learn how to create a cylinder and a parallelepiped using OpenGL functions.
You can Download the Computer graphics lab Programs for VTU 6th sem computer science Google drive link.
There all the program is listed along with the output. Just download and copy paste the project in your Visual Studio for Windows program or save them as separate c files in Linux ubuntu system.