- 所属分类:
- JSP源码/Java
- 资源属性:
- [Java] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2015-04-24
- 文件大小:
- 3.04mb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- dan***
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
本系统使用SSH轻量级框架,使用Tomcat服务器,使用MySQL数据库。Struts 1.x与Hibernate都由Spring负责管理。实体类使用Hibernate注解的方式配置。数据库表结构由实体类决定,DDL语句由Hibernate自动生成。实现一个具有基本功能的论坛。本系统包括5个模块:用户模块、版面类别模块、版块、帖子模块、回帖模块等。
The system uses SSH lightweight fr a mework, using Tomcat server, using a MySQL . By Hibernate Spring Struts 1.x and responsible management. Annotated entity classes using Hibernate mode configuration. Database table structure is determined by the entity class, DDL statements generated automatically by Hibernate. Realization of a forum with basic functions. The system consists of five modules: user module, the module layout categories, pages, posts module, Replies module.
User modules: including user registration, login, logout, and view user profile functions. Published articles, published Replies, moderators and so will need to set user information. The record registration Registered users will record the user s login time login. Layout category module: This system is the secondary structure, which is to create a forum category, then you can create a layout. This module includes creating the layout category, list all the categories, home and so on.
The system uses SSH lightweight fr a mework, using Tomcat server, using a MySQL . By Hibernate Spring Struts 1.x and responsible management. Annotated entity classes using Hibernate mode configuration. Database table structure is determined by the entity class, DDL statements generated automatically by Hibernate. Realization of a forum with basic functions. The system consists of five modules: user module, the module layout categories, pages, posts module, Replies module.
User modules: including user registration, login, logout, and view user profile functions. Published articles, published Replies, moderators and so will need to set user information. The record registration Registered users will record the user s login time login. Layout category module: This system is the secondary structure, which is to create a forum category, then you can create a layout. This module includes creating the layout category, list all the categories, home and so on.
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