① 设计一个符合武汉市现行计价标准的地铁自动售票机。②每个地铁站设置一个开关,设置“10元”和“1元”两个投币口(用开关模拟),设置四个数码管,分别显示投币金额和找零金额,用指示灯表示出票。每次操作限购1张票。
-1、Designing a valuation in line with the current standard of Wuhan Metro ticket vending machines。2、Each subway station setting a switch, set the $ 10 and one yuan two coin slot(Analog Switches),Set four digital tube, respectively, show the change amount and the amount of coin,Indicator shows with tickets. The purchase of a ticket for each operation.
-1、Designing a valuation in line with the current standard of Wuhan Metro ticket vending machines。2、Each subway station setting a switch, set the $ 10 and one yuan two coin slot(Analog Switches),Set four digital tube, respectively, show the change amount and the amount of coin,Indicator shows with tickets. The purchase of a ticket for each operation.