VB仿Office Word艺术字效果,从功能来说几乎拥有Word艺术字的所有功能,在文本框内输入艺术字,点击“刷新”按钮,显示区就会出现艺术字的效果,它有不少的样式可供选择,比如波浪、波形-直线、浮雕、波形-弧线、添加背景色、曲线-直线、圆形-偏移等等。单击艺术字对象可以调整大小,按Shift键可以等比例缩放,最后导出生成PNG/JPG/GIF三种格式的图像。
Remove the word text string the internal buffer. English text, the function within the longest line to remove
Space for three English words string sector, the case of space, in addition to non-English letters and - outside punctuation
No, the termination of the word. Chinese characters of text, this function fetches a row the longest string of characters, the case of the English word
Mother, punctuation and other non-English characters, the termination of the word. This function can not be taken out of English and
Chinese characters.