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  • 2015-04-22
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  源码简介: C#+SQLServer文档管理系统源码下载,实例化ModuleClass文件夹下的FrmAffairClass公共类,数据库基于SQL Server 2000。界面方面使用了控件,界面看上去挺漂亮。友情提示:测试前请附加数据库,C#文档管理系统可以在当前用户下创建不同名称的资料集文件夹,并且可以在资料集文件夹中创建、修改、删除文件或文件夹,也可以实现文件夹的导入导出操作。这样,可以将不同类型的工作文件导入到文档管理系统中进行操作,还可以在文档管理系统中打开任意类型的文件以进行修改,并可以将修改后的文件导出到其他路径中。通过文档管理系统可以快速的查找指定的工作文件,提高员工的工作效率。

  管理员用户名为mr,密码为mrsoft。- Source Descr iption:                  C#+ SQLServer document management system source code download, instantiation ModuleClass folder FrmAffairClass public classes, based on SQL Server 2000. The use of a control interface, the interface looks very beautiful. Tips: Before the test, please attach the , C# document management system can be created in the current user under a different name data sets folder, and you can create, modify the data set folders, delete files or folders, you can also achieve folders the import and export operations. Thus, the different types of work files can be imported into a document management system to operate, you can open any type of file in a document management system to be modified, and you can export the modified file to the other path. You can quickly find the file specified by the document management system work, increase employee productivity.

Administrator user name mr, password mrsoft




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