-RBF network learning process and the learning process is similar to the BP network, the main difference is that each use a different role functions. BP network hidden layer using a Sigmoid function, its value in the input space of infinite range of non-zero value, which is a global approximation of the neural network and the role of RBF network function is a Gaussian basis functions, which value in the input space within a limited range of non-zero value, because RBF network is a local approximation of the neural network. RBF network is a three-layer forward network, the mapping input to output is nonlinear, while the hidden layer space to the output space mapping is linear, RBF network and local approximation of the neural network, which greatly accelerated learning using RBF network speed and avoid local minima problem, suitable for real-time control. Using RBF network of neural network control scheme can effectively improve the accuracy of the system, robustness and adaptability.
-RBF network learning process and the learning process is similar to the BP network, the main difference is that each use a different role functions. BP network hidden layer using a Sigmoid function, its value in the input space of infinite range of non-zero value, which is a global approximation of the neural network and the role of RBF network function is a Gaussian basis functions, which value in the input space within a limited range of non-zero value, because RBF network is a local approximation of the neural network. RBF network is a three-layer forward network, the mapping input to output is nonlinear, while the hidden layer space to the output space mapping is linear, RBF network and local approximation of the neural network, which greatly accelerated learning using RBF network speed and avoid local minima problem, suitable for real-time control. Using RBF network of neural network control scheme can effectively improve the accuracy of the system, robustness and adaptability.