adc2_example_2 ADC2 Example2: ADC2 continuous conversion mode example
@par Example descr iption
This example provides a short descr iption of how to use ADC2 peripheral in
continuous mode. Analog input voltage signal build microphone is full
speed sampled on channel 11 of ADC2 system (PF.3). ADC2 Interrupt routine is
used for the conversion results reading. A bar on LEDs 1-4 indicate the actual
level of measured input voltage and it s peak level is indicated by a floating
LED over the LEDs field. The microphone output signal gain could be controled
by variable resitor RV3 nearby the microphone. In quiet no LED should shine.
This example has been tested with ST Visual Develop (STVD) toolchain on STMS208 device
for both Cosmic and Raisonance compilers.-adc2_example_2 ADC2 Example2: ADC2 continuous conversion mode example
@par Example descr iption
This example provides a short descr iption of how to use ADC2 peripheral in
continuous mode. Analog input voltage signal build microphone is full
speed sampled on channel 11 of ADC2 system (PF.3). ADC2 Interrupt routine is
used for the conversion results reading. A bar on LEDs 1-4 indicate the actual
level of measured input voltage and it s peak level is indicated by a floating
LED over the LEDs field. The microphone output signal gain could be controled
by variable resitor RV3 nearby the microphone. In quiet no LED should shine.
This example has been tested with ST Visual Develop (STVD) toolchain on STMS208 device
for both Cosmic and Raisonance compilers.
@par Example descr iption
This example provides a short descr iption of how to use ADC2 peripheral in
continuous mode. Analog input voltage signal build microphone is full
speed sampled on channel 11 of ADC2 system (PF.3). ADC2 Interrupt routine is
used for the conversion results reading. A bar on LEDs 1-4 indicate the actual
level of measured input voltage and it s peak level is indicated by a floating
LED over the LEDs field. The microphone output signal gain could be controled
by variable resitor RV3 nearby the microphone. In quiet no LED should shine.
This example has been tested with ST Visual Develop (STVD) toolchain on STMS208 device
for both Cosmic and Raisonance compilers.-adc2_example_2 ADC2 Example2: ADC2 continuous conversion mode example
@par Example descr iption
This example provides a short descr iption of how to use ADC2 peripheral in
continuous mode. Analog input voltage signal build microphone is full
speed sampled on channel 11 of ADC2 system (PF.3). ADC2 Interrupt routine is
used for the conversion results reading. A bar on LEDs 1-4 indicate the actual
level of measured input voltage and it s peak level is indicated by a floating
LED over the LEDs field. The microphone output signal gain could be controled
by variable resitor RV3 nearby the microphone. In quiet no LED should shine.
This example has been tested with ST Visual Develop (STVD) toolchain on STMS208 device
for both Cosmic and Raisonance compilers.