已知线性表中的元素以值递增有序排列,并以单链表作存储结构。试写一高效的算法,删除表中所有值大于mink且小于maxk的元素(若表中存在这样的元素)同时释放被删结点空间,并分析你的算法的时间复杂度(注意:mink和maxk是给定的两个参变量,它们的值可以和表中的元素相同,也可以不同)。-Known linear elements in the table to the value increments ordered, and a single list for the storage structure. Try to write a highly efficient algorithm to delete all values greater than mink and maxk elements smaller than (if there is such an element in the table) while the release of the deleted node space, and analyze your time complexity of the algorithm (Note: mink and maxk is given two parameters variables, their values and elements in the table can be the same or different).