(仅供学习使用)本文重点 研究了 Blueto oth 无线传输协议的 跳频
算法 ,给出 了 算法流程及分析说明 ,并且对信道跳频序 列 进行了 初步 的 性能 分析。 结果表明 该序列 具有良 好的 均
匀 性和随机性-(for learning) this paper focuses on the Blueto oth wireless transmission protocol
Algorithm, gives the flow and analysis of algorithm of channel frequency hopping sequence, and conducted a preliminary analysis of the performance. The results show that the sequence has a good average
The uniform and random
算法 ,给出 了 算法流程及分析说明 ,并且对信道跳频序 列 进行了 初步 的 性能 分析。 结果表明 该序列 具有良 好的 均
匀 性和随机性-(for learning) this paper focuses on the Blueto oth wireless transmission protocol
Algorithm, gives the flow and analysis of algorithm of channel frequency hopping sequence, and conducted a preliminary analysis of the performance. The results show that the sequence has a good average
The uniform and random