《程序员*之道》由一系列的独立的部分组成,涵盖的主题从个人责任、职业发展,直到用于使代码保持灵活、并且易于改编和复用的各种架构技术。利用许多富有娱乐性的奇闻轶事、有思想性的例子以及有趣的类比,全面阐释了软件开发的许多不同方面的最佳实践和重大陷阱。无论你是初学者,是有经验的程序员,还是软件项目经理,本书都适合你阅读。-The programmer the path to uniting the consists of a series of independent parts, covering topics personal responsibility, career development, until is used to keep the code flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse of various architectural technology. By using many examples of entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful and interesting analogy, fully illustrates the many different aspects of software development best practices and major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, or a software project manager, this book is for you to read.