Wireless Communication is one of the most rapidly growing industries. The high demand for wireless communication services had led to an increase in system capacity. Then most elementary solution would be to increase bandwidth however, this becomes ever more challenging as the electromagnetic spectrum is becoming increasingly congested. The ever-increasing demand for increased capacity in wireless communications services has led to developments of new technologies that exploit space selectivity. This is done through smart-antenna arrays and the associated adaptive beam-forming algorithms. Smart-antenna systems provide opportunities for higher system capacity and improved quality of service among other things. The ever-increasing demand for increased capacity in wireless communications services has led to developments of new technologies that exploit space selectivity. This is done through smart-antenna arrays and the associated adaptive beam-forming algorithms. -Wireless Communication is one of the most rapidly growing industries. The high demand for wireless communication services had led to an increase in system capacity. Then most elementary solution would be to increase bandwidth however, this becomes ever more challenging as the electromagnetic spectrum is becoming increasingly congested. The ever-increasing demand for increased capacity in wireless communications services has led to developments of new technologies that exploit space selectivity. This is done through smart-antenna arrays and the associated adaptive beam-forming algorithms. Smart-antenna systems provide opportunities for higher system capacity and improved quality of service among other things. The ever-increasing demand for increased capacity in wireless communications services has led to developments of new technologies that exploit space selectivity. This is done through smart-antenna arrays and the associated adaptive beam-forming algorithms.
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