Thresholding is used to segment an image by setting all pixels whose intensity values are above a threshold to a foreground value and all the remaining pixels to a background value.
Whereas the conventional thresholding operator uses a global threshold for all pixels, adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. This more sophisticated version of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image, e.g. those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.-Thresholding is used to segment an image by setting all pixels whose intensity values are above a threshold to a foreground value and all the remaining pixels to a background value.
Whereas the conventional thresholding operator uses a global threshold for all pixels, adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. This more sophisticated version of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image, e.g. those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.ff
Whereas the conventional thresholding operator uses a global threshold for all pixels, adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. This more sophisticated version of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image, e.g. those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.-Thresholding is used to segment an image by setting all pixels whose intensity values are above a threshold to a foreground value and all the remaining pixels to a background value.
Whereas the conventional thresholding operator uses a global threshold for all pixels, adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. This more sophisticated version of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image, e.g. those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.ff