《flappy bird》是由来自越南的独立游戏开发者Dong Nguyen所开发的作品,游戏中玩家必须控制一只小鸟,跨越由各种不同长度水管所组成的障碍。
2014年2月,《Flappy Bird》被开发者本人从苹果及谷歌应用商店撤下。2014年8月份正式回归APP STORE,正式加入Flappy迷们期待已久的多人对战模式。
这是一款简单又困难的手机游戏,游戏中玩家必须控制一只胖乎乎的小鸟,跨越由各种不同长度水管所组成的障碍。上手容易,但是想通关可不简单。Flappy bird 于2013年5月在苹果App Store上线,2014年2月份在100多个国家的榜单一跃登顶,尽管没有精细的动画效果,没有有趣的游戏规则,没有众多的关卡,却突然大火了一把,下载量突破5000万次。-Pixels in the C language, has been upgraded to version 3.0
The flappy bird is independent game developer Vietnam Dong Nguyen development work, the game players must control a bird, cross the barrier composed of different length of the hoses-.
In February 2014, the Flappy Bird \ by the developer himself apple and Google app store. Return to the APP STORE in August 2014, officially joined Flappy fans have been waiting for the multiplayer mode.
This is a simple and difficult mobile phone games, game players must control a fat bird, cross the barrier composed of different length of the hoses-. The easier, but it won t be easy to customs clearance. Flappy bird in May 2013 in apple s App Store online, in February 2014 in more than 100 countries list ranked the top, despite the lack of detailed animation effects, no interesting rules of the game, not many levels, but suddenly the fire, was downloaded over 50 million times.
《flappy bird》是由来自越南的独立游戏开发者Dong Nguyen所开发的作品,游戏中玩家必须控制一只小鸟,跨越由各种不同长度水管所组成的障碍。
2014年2月,《Flappy Bird》被开发者本人从苹果及谷歌应用商店撤下。2014年8月份正式回归APP STORE,正式加入Flappy迷们期待已久的多人对战模式。
这是一款简单又困难的手机游戏,游戏中玩家必须控制一只胖乎乎的小鸟,跨越由各种不同长度水管所组成的障碍。上手容易,但是想通关可不简单。Flappy bird 于2013年5月在苹果App Store上线,2014年2月份在100多个国家的榜单一跃登顶,尽管没有精细的动画效果,没有有趣的游戏规则,没有众多的关卡,却突然大火了一把,下载量突破5000万次。-Pixels in the C language, has been upgraded to version 3.0
The flappy bird is independent game developer Vietnam Dong Nguyen development work, the game players must control a bird, cross the barrier composed of different length of the hoses-.
In February 2014, the Flappy Bird \ by the developer himself apple and Google app store. Return to the APP STORE in August 2014, officially joined Flappy fans have been waiting for the multiplayer mode.
This is a simple and difficult mobile phone games, game players must control a fat bird, cross the barrier composed of different length of the hoses-. The easier, but it won t be easy to customs clearance. Flappy bird in May 2013 in apple s App Store online, in February 2014 in more than 100 countries list ranked the top, despite the lack of detailed animation effects, no interesting rules of the game, not many levels, but suddenly the fire, was downloaded over 50 million times.