介绍了平均电流控制型 PFC Boost 变换器的结构, 分析了其工作原理。 分别采用 Power
System 工具箱和考虑电感电流断续工作状态的 C-MEX 文件 S 函数建立了主电路模型,对平均电
流控制型 PFC Boost 变换器进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,与 Power System 工具箱模型相比,基于
C-MEX 文件的 S 函数仿真模型能够准确仿真电流断续工作状态,仿真速度快。设计了电路样机进
研究系统结构和参数变化时性能变化情况,得到的平均电流控制型 PFC Boost 变换器的混沌分岔
图,为更好地理解和设计这种变换器提供了有利的工具。-The structure of average current controlled power factor correction (PFC) Boost
converter is introduced, and its working principle is analyzed. The PFC Boost converter is simulated
using the model established with Power System toolbox and the C-MEX file S-function model
respectively. Simulation results show that the C-MEX file S-function model can simulate the all state of
the converter including discontinuous conduction mode with high speed. Experimental results show the
correctness of the simulation results and the proposed method. The method is suitable for simulation
the performance changing with the variation of system structure or parameters. The bifurcation diagram
is derived for PFC Boost converter using this method, which is very useful for better understanding and
better design of the converter.
System 工具箱和考虑电感电流断续工作状态的 C-MEX 文件 S 函数建立了主电路模型,对平均电
流控制型 PFC Boost 变换器进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,与 Power System 工具箱模型相比,基于
C-MEX 文件的 S 函数仿真模型能够准确仿真电流断续工作状态,仿真速度快。设计了电路样机进
研究系统结构和参数变化时性能变化情况,得到的平均电流控制型 PFC Boost 变换器的混沌分岔
图,为更好地理解和设计这种变换器提供了有利的工具。-The structure of average current controlled power factor correction (PFC) Boost
converter is introduced, and its working principle is analyzed. The PFC Boost converter is simulated
using the model established with Power System toolbox and the C-MEX file S-function model
respectively. Simulation results show that the C-MEX file S-function model can simulate the all state of
the converter including discontinuous conduction mode with high speed. Experimental results show the
correctness of the simulation results and the proposed method. The method is suitable for simulation
the performance changing with the variation of system structure or parameters. The bifurcation diagram
is derived for PFC Boost converter using this method, which is very useful for better understanding and
better design of the converter.