本文介绍了基于MATLAB的语音识别系统,包括对语音信号的特征提取,包括语音信号的特征提取,快速傅立叶变换,离散余弦转换,线性预测分析,梅尔频率倒谱系数以及高斯混合模型。-This paper aims at development and performance analysis of a speaker dependent speech recognition
system using MATLAB® . The issues that were considered are 1) Can Matlab, be effectively used to
complete the aforementioned task, 2) Accuracy of the Gaussian Mixture Model used for parametric
modelling, 3) Performance analysis of the system, 4) Performance of the Gaussian Mixture Model as a
parametric modelling technique as compared to other modelling technique and 5) Can a Matlab® based
Speech recognition system be ported to a real world environment for recording and performing complex
voice commands. The aforementioned system is designed to recognize isolated utterances of digits 0-9. The
system is developed such that it can easily be extended to multisyllabic words as well.
system using MATLAB® . The issues that were considered are 1) Can Matlab, be effectively used to
complete the aforementioned task, 2) Accuracy of the Gaussian Mixture Model used for parametric
modelling, 3) Performance analysis of the system, 4) Performance of the Gaussian Mixture Model as a
parametric modelling technique as compared to other modelling technique and 5) Can a Matlab® based
Speech recognition system be ported to a real world environment for recording and performing complex
voice commands. The aforementioned system is designed to recognize isolated utterances of digits 0-9. The
system is developed such that it can easily be extended to multisyllabic words as well.
Speech Recognition System.pdf