用哈希表实现一个拼写检查器spellchecker,给定一个字典, 输入一个文本后,输出拼写有误的单词,并给出用户可能想要表达的正确的单词-
In this project, you ll build a hash table and see an example of hashing in action. Many applications,
including word processors, text editors, and email clients, include a spell-checking feature. A spell
checker s job is relatively simple. Given a list of correctly-spelled words (which we ll call a wordlist)
and the input text, the spell checker reports all of the misspellings (i.e. words that are not found in the
wordlist) in the input. When a misspelling is found in the input, a good spell checker will also suggest
words appearing in the wordlist that are somewhat like each of the misspelled words.
In this project, you ll build a hash table and see an example of hashing in action. Many applications,
including word processors, text editors, and email clients, include a spell-checking feature. A spell
checker s job is relatively simple. Given a list of correctly-spelled words (which we ll call a wordlist)
and the input text, the spell checker reports all of the misspellings (i.e. words that are not found in the
wordlist) in the input. When a misspelling is found in the input, a good spell checker will also suggest
words appearing in the wordlist that are somewhat like each of the misspelled words.
............\Project Report of 214 assignment 3.docx