Design and implement an improved LabVIEW programme, that could be used to further explore how accurate truncated Taylor expansions of sine and cosine functions are, as a function of the highest argument power that is retained.
The VI should allow the user to select:
the range of input arguments, given by minimum and maximum angles (in degrees) and number of points (extreme value of the range should be both included)
the highest power of the argument to be retained in the expansion. For example with the highest power 2 the sine function is approximated by 0 + x + 0x2=x, while the cosine is approximately 1 +0x-1/2 x2=1-1/2 x2. NB: the expression are for the argument given in radians. The relevant mathematical information is widely available any calculus textbook or internet resources.
The VI should present, on the same graph,
accurate value for the given argument
approximate value for the given argument, calculated using truncated Taylor series (as outlined above)-Design and implement an improved LabVIEW programme, that could be used to further explore how accurate truncated Taylor expansions of sine and cosine functions are, as a function of the highest argument power that is retained.
The VI should allow the user to select:
the range of input arguments, given by minimum and maximum angles (in degrees) and number of points (extreme value of the range should be both included)
the highest power of the argument to be retained in the expansion. For example with the highest power 2 the sine function is approximated by 0 + x + 0x2=x, while the cosine is approximately 1 +0x-1/2 x2=1-1/2 x2. NB: the expression are for the argument given in radians. The relevant mathematical information is widely available any calculus textbook or internet resources.
The VI should present, on the same graph,
accurate value for the given argument
approximate value for the given argument, calculated using truncated Taylor series (as outlined above)
The VI should allow the user to select:
the range of input arguments, given by minimum and maximum angles (in degrees) and number of points (extreme value of the range should be both included)
the highest power of the argument to be retained in the expansion. For example with the highest power 2 the sine function is approximated by 0 + x + 0x2=x, while the cosine is approximately 1 +0x-1/2 x2=1-1/2 x2. NB: the expression are for the argument given in radians. The relevant mathematical information is widely available any calculus textbook or internet resources.
The VI should present, on the same graph,
accurate value for the given argument
approximate value for the given argument, calculated using truncated Taylor series (as outlined above)-Design and implement an improved LabVIEW programme, that could be used to further explore how accurate truncated Taylor expansions of sine and cosine functions are, as a function of the highest argument power that is retained.
The VI should allow the user to select:
the range of input arguments, given by minimum and maximum angles (in degrees) and number of points (extreme value of the range should be both included)
the highest power of the argument to be retained in the expansion. For example with the highest power 2 the sine function is approximated by 0 + x + 0x2=x, while the cosine is approximately 1 +0x-1/2 x2=1-1/2 x2. NB: the expression are for the argument given in radians. The relevant mathematical information is widely available any calculus textbook or internet resources.
The VI should present, on the same graph,
accurate value for the given argument
approximate value for the given argument, calculated using truncated Taylor series (as outlined above)
............\main VI for Taylor expansions.vi