在工程应用中 经常会遇到一些复杂的非线性系统, 这些系统状态方程复杂, 难以 用数学方
法准确建模。 在这种情况下, 可以 建立 BP 神 经网 络表达这些 非 线 性系 统。 该方法把未 知 系
统看成是一个黑箱, 首先用 系 统 输入输出 数据 训 练 BP 神 经网 络, 使网 络能 够表达该未 知 函
数, 然后就可以 用训练好的 BP 神经网络预测系统输出 。
本章拟合的非线性函 数为
y = x1^2+x2^2.
。-In engineering applications often encounter some complex nonlinear systems, which complicated the equation of state, can not be accurately modeled mathematically. In this case, BP neural network can be established to express these nonlinear systems. The method of the unknown system as a black box, the first input and output data with systematic training BP neural network, the network can express the unknown function, then you can use the trained BP neural network forecasting system output. Chapter for fitting non-linear function y = x1 ^ 2+x2 ^ 2..
法准确建模。 在这种情况下, 可以 建立 BP 神 经网 络表达这些 非 线 性系 统。 该方法把未 知 系
统看成是一个黑箱, 首先用 系 统 输入输出 数据 训 练 BP 神 经网 络, 使网 络能 够表达该未 知 函
数, 然后就可以 用训练好的 BP 神经网络预测系统输出 。
本章拟合的非线性函 数为
y = x1^2+x2^2.
。-In engineering applications often encounter some complex nonlinear systems, which complicated the equation of state, can not be accurately modeled mathematically. In this case, BP neural network can be established to express these nonlinear systems. The method of the unknown system as a black box, the first input and output data with systematic training BP neural network, the network can express the unknown function, then you can use the trained BP neural network forecasting system output. Chapter for fitting non-linear function y = x1 ^ 2+x2 ^ 2..