As already alluded to in previous chapters of this book, ZigBee is arguably the most promi-
nent alliance dedicated to low-power embedded systems. It is a facilitator of applications
pertaining to home and building automation, smart metering, health care, among many
others. Its link and access protocols rely on the speciˉcations of IEEE 802.15.4 [1], whereas
higher layers are subject to the proˉle deˉnition of the ZigBee special interest group (SIG).
The internet engineering task force (IETF), however, has lately commenced standardizing
networking protocols within their 6LoWPAN [2] and ROLL [3] which are assuming IEEE
802.15.4 link layer technology ZigBee may thus adopt IETFs networking solution in the
future. In short, ZigBee is gaining in importance and the underlying IEEE standard ensures
that technology is available multiple vendors.-As already alluded to in previous chapters of this book, ZigBee is arguably the most promi-
nent alliance dedicated to low-power embedded systems. It is a facilitator of applications
pertaining to home and building automation, smart metering, health care, among many
others. Its link and access protocols rely on the speciˉcations of IEEE 802.15.4 [1], whereas
higher layers are subject to the proˉle deˉnition of the ZigBee special interest group (SIG).
The internet engineering task force (IETF), however, has lately commenced standardizing
networking protocols within their 6LoWPAN [2] and ROLL [3] which are assuming IEEE
802.15.4 link layer technology ZigBee may thus adopt IETFs networking solution in the
future. In short, ZigBee is gaining in importance and the underlying IEEE standard ensures
that technology is available multiple vendors.
nent alliance dedicated to low-power embedded systems. It is a facilitator of applications
pertaining to home and building automation, smart metering, health care, among many
others. Its link and access protocols rely on the speciˉcations of IEEE 802.15.4 [1], whereas
higher layers are subject to the proˉle deˉnition of the ZigBee special interest group (SIG).
The internet engineering task force (IETF), however, has lately commenced standardizing
networking protocols within their 6LoWPAN [2] and ROLL [3] which are assuming IEEE
802.15.4 link layer technology ZigBee may thus adopt IETFs networking solution in the
future. In short, ZigBee is gaining in importance and the underlying IEEE standard ensures
that technology is available multiple vendors.-As already alluded to in previous chapters of this book, ZigBee is arguably the most promi-
nent alliance dedicated to low-power embedded systems. It is a facilitator of applications
pertaining to home and building automation, smart metering, health care, among many
others. Its link and access protocols rely on the speciˉcations of IEEE 802.15.4 [1], whereas
higher layers are subject to the proˉle deˉnition of the ZigBee special interest group (SIG).
The internet engineering task force (IETF), however, has lately commenced standardizing
networking protocols within their 6LoWPAN [2] and ROLL [3] which are assuming IEEE
802.15.4 link layer technology ZigBee may thus adopt IETFs networking solution in the
future. In short, ZigBee is gaining in importance and the underlying IEEE standard ensures
that technology is available multiple vendors.