“定海神真”免费效益网站是NITC网络营销服务中心经历2年多时间研发的历作,汇聚了13年的网站开发经验及8年网络营销经验。系统简单易用,界面精美,体验度高,对SEO优化也有良好的效果,而且永久免费。唯一缺陷就是主题界面只有50多个,但NITC开放了主题结构教程,懂DIV+CSS的网页设计人员很容易开发出自己喜欢的网页。NITC网站系统是中小企业网站营销的最佳选择,不需要专业的技术就能轻易上手,并且做出网络营销效果非常好的网站,好不好一试便知。- Neptune s free benefits website is NITC network marketing service center experience 2 years research and development of calendar, brought together 13 years of experience in website development and 8 years experience in network marketing. System is simple and easy to use, elegant interface, experience degree is high, also has good effect for SEO optimization, and permanent free. The only flaw is subject interface only 50, but NITC opened the thematic structure tutorial, understand DIV+ CSS web design personnel can easily develop their own web pages. NITC website system is the best choice for small and medium-sized enterprise website marketing, don t need professional technology can easily, and make the network marketing effect is very good website, good try.