乒乓球有一个标准的重量S,如果球的重量和标准越接近,星级就会越高。具体来讲,对于球的重量和S的差的绝对值,如果小于或等于D1,那么这个球就会被标为三星,如果大于D1且小于或等于D2,那么就会被标为二星,如果大于D2且小于或等于D3就会被标为一星,如果大于D3则不对其标星(D1 < D2 < D3)。
输入的第一行包含一个整数T (1 <= T <= 20),表示接下来一共有T组测试数据。
对于每组数据,第一行包含5个整数N (1 <= N <= 10), S (1 <= S <= 20), D1, D2, D3 (1 <= D1 < D2 < D3 <= 20),含义同上。接下来一行包含N个不大于20的正整数,依次描述了各个乒乓球的重量。-Pisces table tennis in general will be marked with Samsung, Award, or a star, the star says that the higher the quality of the ball better. Star assessment and many factors weight, diameter and hardness of the ball-related, but here, we only consider the impact of the ball on the star ratings generated by weight. Tennis has a standard weight of S, if the ball' s weight and standard closer stars will be higher. Specifically, for the absolute value of the weight of the ball and the difference S, and if less than or equal to D1, then the ball will be marked as Samsung, if greater than D1 and less than or equal to D2, it will be marked as two star, if is greater than D2 and less than or equal to D3 will be marked as a star, if not greater than its BIAOXING D3 (D1 < D2 < D3). Now to give you the N table tennis, you need to calculate where each star table tennis each number. The first line of input contains an integer T (1 < = T < = 20), a total of T represents the next set of tes
乒乓球有一个标准的重量S,如果球的重量和标准越接近,星级就会越高。具体来讲,对于球的重量和S的差的绝对值,如果小于或等于D1,那么这个球就会被标为三星,如果大于D1且小于或等于D2,那么就会被标为二星,如果大于D2且小于或等于D3就会被标为一星,如果大于D3则不对其标星(D1 < D2 < D3)。
输入的第一行包含一个整数T (1 <= T <= 20),表示接下来一共有T组测试数据。
对于每组数据,第一行包含5个整数N (1 <= N <= 10), S (1 <= S <= 20), D1, D2, D3 (1 <= D1 < D2 < D3 <= 20),含义同上。接下来一行包含N个不大于20的正整数,依次描述了各个乒乓球的重量。-Pisces table tennis in general will be marked with Samsung, Award, or a star, the star says that the higher the quality of the ball better. Star assessment and many factors weight, diameter and hardness of the ball-related, but here, we only consider the impact of the ball on the star ratings generated by weight. Tennis has a standard weight of S, if the ball' s weight and standard closer stars will be higher. Specifically, for the absolute value of the weight of the ball and the difference S, and if less than or equal to D1, then the ball will be marked as Samsung, if greater than D1 and less than or equal to D2, it will be marked as two star, if is greater than D2 and less than or equal to D3 will be marked as a star, if not greater than its BIAOXING D3 (D1 < D2 < D3). Now to give you the N table tennis, you need to calculate where each star table tennis each number. The first line of input contains an integer T (1 < = T < = 20), a total of T represents the next set of tes