To loop a Adobe Flash Creative Suite 5 movie or to send the playhead to a different point on the Flash CS5 timeline, you can tell your movie to jump forward or backward to a specific fr a me with one of two variations of the goto statement: gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop().
Each of these two statements requires a fr a me name or number so that Flash Player knows where to send the playhead. When placed on a fr a me, these actions send the playhead forward or backward to the specified fr a me and stop, or they resume playback that point.-To loop a Adobe Flash Creative Suite 5 movie or to send the playhead to a different point on the Flash CS5 timeline, you can tell your movie to jump forward or backward to a specific fr a me with one of two variations of the goto statement: gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop().
Each of these two statements requires a fr a me name or number so that Flash Player knows where to send the playhead. When placed on a fr a me, these actions send the playhead forward or backward to the specified fr a me and stop, or they resume playback that point.
Each of these two statements requires a fr a me name or number so that Flash Player knows where to send the playhead. When placed on a fr a me, these actions send the playhead forward or backward to the specified fr a me and stop, or they resume playback that point.-To loop a Adobe Flash Creative Suite 5 movie or to send the playhead to a different point on the Flash CS5 timeline, you can tell your movie to jump forward or backward to a specific fr a me with one of two variations of the goto statement: gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop().
Each of these two statements requires a fr a me name or number so that Flash Player knows where to send the playhead. When placed on a fr a me, these actions send the playhead forward or backward to the specified fr a me and stop, or they resume playback that point.