Embed your functions in a suitable test program that reads the list of numbers a le
and prints out the standard deviation. The data le will contain one number per line and
will have at least 10 numbers and at most 500 numbers (N will always be 10 N 500
which means the array may be partially lled). Use \stddev.txt as the name of the input
le in your program.-Embed your functions in a suitable test program that reads the list of numbers a le
and prints out the standard deviation. The data le will contain one number per line and
will have at least 10 numbers and at most 500 numbers (N will always be 10 N 500
which means the array may be partially lled). Use \stddev.txt as the name of the input
le in your program.
and prints out the standard deviation. The data le will contain one number per line and
will have at least 10 numbers and at most 500 numbers (N will always be 10 N 500
which means the array may be partially lled). Use \stddev.txt as the name of the input
le in your program.-Embed your functions in a suitable test program that reads the list of numbers a le
and prints out the standard deviation. The data le will contain one number per line and
will have at least 10 numbers and at most 500 numbers (N will always be 10 N 500
which means the array may be partially lled). Use \stddev.txt as the name of the input
le in your program.