Write a Perl scr ipt total_words.pl which counts the total number of words found on i ts input (STDIN).
For the purposes of this program and the following programs we will define a word to be maximal non-empty contiguous sequences of alphabetic characters ([a-zA-Z]).
Any characters other than [a-zA-Z] separate words.
So for example the phrase The soul s desire contains 4 words: ( The , soul , s , desire )-Write a Perl scr ipt total_words.pl which counts the total number of words found on in its input (STDIN).
For the purposes of this program and the following programs we will define a word to be maximal non-empty contiguous sequences of alphabetic characters ([a-zA-Z]).
Any characters other than [a-zA-Z] separate words.
So for example the phrase The soul s desire contains 4 words: ( The , soul , s , desire )
For the purposes of this program and the following programs we will define a word to be maximal non-empty contiguous sequences of alphabetic characters ([a-zA-Z]).
Any characters other than [a-zA-Z] separate words.
So for example the phrase The soul s desire contains 4 words: ( The , soul , s , desire )-Write a Perl scr ipt total_words.pl which counts the total number of words found on in its input (STDIN).
For the purposes of this program and the following programs we will define a word to be maximal non-empty contiguous sequences of alphabetic characters ([a-zA-Z]).
Any characters other than [a-zA-Z] separate words.
So for example the phrase The soul s desire contains 4 words: ( The , soul , s , desire )