研 究永磁 同步 电机 (P M SM )直 接 转 矩控制 (D T C ) 系统 。针 对传 统控 制 系统 中存 在 的 转 矩和 磁 链 脉 动 大 的 问题 , 将 空 间 矢 量 调 制 (S V M ) 引入PM SM —D T C 系统 。通 过 对 永 磁 同 步 电机 数 学模型及 空 间 电 压 矢 量 调 制 算 法 的 分 析 , 在 M atlab/Sim ulin k 环 境 下 , 对 P M S M 的 S V M —D T C 系 统 进行仿 真 。仿 真 结果 表 明 . 系统模 型具 有 很好 的 动静
态性能 。- In this paper, permanent magnet syn—
chronous motor ( PMSM ) direct torque contro1( DTC ) system was studied .For inhibiting the rip
pie of torque and flux link age of traditional co ntrol
s y ste m s , th e P M S M —D T C sy stem w a s co m b in e d
w ith the space vector modulation (SVM ). Based on
the study with the mathematical model of PMSM and SVM, and simulated the system in Matlab/Simulink.The system model has been proved reasonab le and effective with good dynamic and static performance.
态性能 。- In this paper, permanent magnet syn—
chronous motor ( PMSM ) direct torque contro1( DTC ) system was studied .For inhibiting the rip
pie of torque and flux link age of traditional co ntrol
s y ste m s , th e P M S M —D T C sy stem w a s co m b in e d
w ith the space vector modulation (SVM ). Based on
the study with the mathematical model of PMSM and SVM, and simulated the system in Matlab/Simulink.The system model has been proved reasonab le and effective with good dynamic and static performance.