此程序主要功能是 1 画出标准零阶贝塞尔函数,
2 在估计多普勒时,接收信号的实部或者虚部的自相关函数接近于贝塞尔函数,所以画出了一条接近于贝塞尔函数的曲线图-The main function of this program is 1 shows the standard zero-order Bessel function,
2 estimate the Doppler, the autocorrelation function of the received signal or the imaginary portion of the real part close to the Bessel function, so to draw a graph of the Bessel function is close to
2 在估计多普勒时,接收信号的实部或者虚部的自相关函数接近于贝塞尔函数,所以画出了一条接近于贝塞尔函数的曲线图-The main function of this program is 1 shows the standard zero-order Bessel function,
2 estimate the Doppler, the autocorrelation function of the received signal or the imaginary portion of the real part close to the Bessel function, so to draw a graph of the Bessel function is close to