采用Microchip公司的PIC16F877,涉及PORTA、PORTC、PORTD、PORTE用作普通数字I/O脚。用单片机PORTC接收来自温湿度传感器DHT11检测到的温湿度信息,并在LCD1602液晶显示屏上进行温湿度显示。再通过PORTA输出高电平控制无线发射芯片FSK2A发送无线信号-Using Microchip s PIC16F877, involving PORTA, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE used as general digital I/O pins. Temperature and humidity receive information from temperature and humidity sensors DHT11 detected by the microcontroller PORTC, and on the LCD1602 LCD display temperature and humidity. Another high-level control wireless transmitter sends radio signals through the chip FSK2A PORTA output
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PIC16F877 | DHT11.txt |