Cloud computing is an Internet-based computing, where shared
resources, software and information, are provided to computers
and devices on-demand. It provides people the way to share
distributed resources and services that belong to different
organization. Since cloud computing uses distributed resources
in open environment, thus it is important to provide the security
and trust to share the data for developing cloud computing
applications. In this paper we assess how can cloud providers
earn their customers’ trust and provide the security, privacy and
reliability, when a third party is processing sensitive data in a
remote machine located in various countries? A concept of utility
cloud has been represented to provide the various services to the
users. Emerging technologies can help address the challenges of
Security, Privacy and Trust in cloud computing.
resources, software and information, are provided to computers
and devices on-demand. It provides people the way to share
distributed resources and services that belong to different
organization. Since cloud computing uses distributed resources
in open environment, thus it is important to provide the security
and trust to share the data for developing cloud computing
applications. In this paper we assess how can cloud providers
earn their customers’ trust and provide the security, privacy and
reliability, when a third party is processing sensitive data in a
remote machine located in various countries? A concept of utility
cloud has been represented to provide the various services to the
users. Emerging technologies can help address the challenges of
Security, Privacy and Trust in cloud computing.