A:mkdatabas0.cpp 做blast前对大的非冗余NR或者是uniref数据库的预处理。为每条序列计算出等长的(长度为20*19/2=210)的数值数组。用来后期比较各个序列间的距离做准备。
B:mkdatabas.cpp 是通过比较要blast对象的那条序列和reference序列的距离,提出距离过远序列。用得到的新数据库做blast。
E:专门针对蛋白二级结构固定的格式文件即DSSP文件所设计的一个脚本。可以根据自己的需要调节数组,选取想要的内容。并做其他操作,比如本脚本就是和一级序列比对(即needlman)结果结合的一个脚本。-To join this site, I put effort to share to you, are absolutely original! A: mkdatabas0.cpp do before blast pretreatment on large non-redundant NR or uniref database. Calculated for each sequence of equal length (a length of 20* 19/2 = 210) of the array of values. Used to compare the distance between each sequence between late to prepare. B: mkdatabas.cpp is by comparison to the distance blast piece sequences and reference sequences of objects, the proposed distance is too far sequence. Do with the new database blast obtained. C: dl_fa.pl procedure is relatively simple, but very practical, you can batch download from the Web site you want fasta sequence D: scop40_pdbFold.pl which is rich in content, bulk do pairwise sequence alignment, according to the results of treatment than dssp file E: That is a scr ipt file DSSP designed specifically for protein secondary structure fixed format files. The array can be adjusted according to your needs, select the desired content. And do other opera
A:mkdatabas0.cpp 做blast前对大的非冗余NR或者是uniref数据库的预处理。为每条序列计算出等长的(长度为20*19/2=210)的数值数组。用来后期比较各个序列间的距离做准备。
B:mkdatabas.cpp 是通过比较要blast对象的那条序列和reference序列的距离,提出距离过远序列。用得到的新数据库做blast。
E:专门针对蛋白二级结构固定的格式文件即DSSP文件所设计的一个脚本。可以根据自己的需要调节数组,选取想要的内容。并做其他操作,比如本脚本就是和一级序列比对(即needlman)结果结合的一个脚本。-To join this site, I put effort to share to you, are absolutely original! A: mkdatabas0.cpp do before blast pretreatment on large non-redundant NR or uniref database. Calculated for each sequence of equal length (a length of 20* 19/2 = 210) of the array of values. Used to compare the distance between each sequence between late to prepare. B: mkdatabas.cpp is by comparison to the distance blast piece sequences and reference sequences of objects, the proposed distance is too far sequence. Do with the new database blast obtained. C: dl_fa.pl procedure is relatively simple, but very practical, you can batch download from the Web site you want fasta sequence D: scop40_pdbFold.pl which is rich in content, bulk do pairwise sequence alignment, according to the results of treatment than dssp file E: That is a scr ipt file DSSP designed specifically for protein secondary structure fixed format files. The array can be adjusted according to your needs, select the desired content. And do other opera