本文阐述了一种通用性好、通信性能较强、采用成熟技术、运行稳定安全的模块化通信系统L 适合大多数机器人应用, 无论主控制器简单还是复杂, 有无操作
系统或使用任意一种操作系统, 只需要使用通用标准的硬件接口和简单有限的数据帧定义就
能构成一个无线透明通道, 将大大简化无线通信的开发过程L 本-This paper describes a general, communication performance is strong, with mature technology, L modular communication safe and stable operation of the system for most robotic applications, regardless of the main controller is simple or complex, there is no operation
系统或使用任意一种操作系统, 只需要使用通用标准的硬件接口和简单有限的数据帧定义就
能构成一个无线透明通道, 将大大简化无线通信的开发过程L 本-This paper describes a general, communication performance is strong, with mature technology, L modular communication safe and stable operation of the system for most robotic applications, regardless of the main controller is simple or complex, there is no operation